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Jun 30, 2020

Our long-time friend, Elizabeth Moss, called the show to share insights on caring for an aging loved one during the pandemic. The founder of Nashville TN’s premiere in home care company, Elizabeth brings a valuable background in Nursing, Alcohol and Drug treatment, and Geriatrics. Elizabeth dedicates her life to...

Jun 29, 2020

We all live with terrible regrets over things we've said or done ...even if at the time we felt we had the best of intentions. This caller expressed his sorrow over things he said ...however well meaning his mother as she mourned the loss of his father. He felt he was helping, but looking back ..he realized he...

Jun 28, 2020

"Must, Should, Need, Have To ..."

These are all words that reflect that a caregiver's fallen into the obligation trap. Obligation is the gateway to resentment, and all too many caregivers find themselves struggling with deep resentment towards themselves, their loved ones, family members who didn't help, medical...

Jun 26, 2020

Did you know that you can recycle prosthetic limbs? 

Until my wife, Gracie, lost both of her legs ... we didn't realize that the components, feet, knees, pylons, adapters, screws, prosthetic socks, belts, and other related items for prosthetic limbs could be recycled. 

When Gracie and I launched STANDING WITH HOPE in...

Jun 25, 2020

One of the more troubling issues facing us as caregivers is caring for someone who is in chronic pain. This is a continuation of our discussion about this topic for family caregivers. 

Peter Rosenberger hosts the nationally syndicated program: HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER.  

Hope for the Caregiver is the broadcast outreach...