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May 29, 2019

There's nothing quite like having a faucet on a bathtub break 10:45 PM and watching hot water pouring uncontrollably.

Such was the case at my house the other night. Yet, it turned out to be a memorable experience in another way ...when the plumber who arrived model and amazing attitude and care. 

That's why I'm a...

May 27, 2019

As caregivers, we need to lighten up's just a fact. We often daily see  serious, painful, and heartbreaking things, and we certainly cry enough tears ...but do we laugh? Sadly, many of us don't ...and won't without a bit of help.

I've always loved stand up comics, and one of my favorites is Jeff Allen. From the...

May 17, 2019

Callers to the show shared their heartache, fear, and despair in trying to serve as caregivers ...while simultaneously dealing with the trauma and ravages of a family member with addiction.

Sometimes, law enforcement is required for the safety of the caregiver ...and these women are in danger. 

Sarah also called in...

May 13, 2019

David from Ohio called the show with deep emotion as he struggled caring for his son who is on the autism spectrum.  At thirteen, David's son is a handful ...and David broke down trying to wrap his mind around getting his son through to adulthood. 

We discussed this and took the conversation into a path he didn't...

May 13, 2019

How would you feel if your adult child (30+) lived at home with debilitating migraines?

Caller from Mississippi shared her frustration at her daughter's challenges ...and behaviors. From what she describes in this call, the problem has expanded to addiction and other behavior issues. 

Caregivers can easily fall into the...