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Aug 29, 2020

My friend, Bryan Pennington ( and licensed financial planner) called the show to discuss the financial challenges facing all of us as we either are a caregiver, will be a caregiver ...or need a caregiver. 

Even if you're not local for Bryan, give him a call for a free consult. 615 319-6069

Aug 27, 2020

Caregivers often respond with what the "adult" responsibilities and expectations in them prompt them to say. 

But the heart sometimes speaks a different language. 

Peter Rosenberger is the host of the nationally syndicated radio program, HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER. 

Learn more by clicking pictures

Aug 24, 2020

As caregivers, life seems to relentlessly hit us like gale force winds. There's often so much clutter and so many tasks that we feel overwhelmed to the point of paralysis and despair. 

Here's something I learned in my 3 1/2 decades as a caregiver that you might find helpful. 

Peter Rosenberger is the host of the...

Aug 21, 2020

When faced with painful circumstances, we all struggle with reconciling a good and loving God with brutal challenges. Some, however, tend to take it further and look for ways to lay the blame on the individual (or even caregiver). 

In fact, Jesus' own disciples did this. In this monologue from the show, we discussed...

Aug 19, 2020

  • Do you know all the pills you and/or your loved one takes?
  • In an emergency, can paramedics or medical staff quickly get that information?
  • Can you describe each pill properly?

If keeping up with prescription is part of your life as a caregiver, then this tool from Kimber Westmore is essential for your life. In this...