Jun 29, 2018
Summer means excessive heat, and we're all vulnerable to dehydration. In our regular feature TODAY'S SENIOR MOMENT, we have the simple reminder to Drink. After a buddy of mine in South Carolina spent the night in the hospital from dehydration two weeks ago, I was once again reminded of how important it is for us...
Jun 27, 2018
The challenges of dementia don't simply stop at forgetfulness. Virtually every area of a dementia patient's life feels the impact of this heartbreaking condition—including eating. Due to dementia, mealtimes that once served as a time of fellowship for families, instead become flash points for frustration...
Jun 18, 2018
As a rule, I am intrigued by any political figure serving as a caregiver. Joseph Williams, however, caught my eye more than most. He's the husband of a wife who lives with a disability as a result of a car accident, and they're the parents of two boys.
Since I am the husband of a wife with severe disabilities from...
Jun 11, 2018
Show Features:
Caregiver Tip of the Day: "Protect Your Treasure"
Today's Senior Moment: "What's the Next Action Step"
Monologue: Caregivers and Medically Assisted Death.
Jun 11, 2018
Jeff Foxworthy called the show and we riffed on a few, "YOU MIGHT BE A CAREGIVER IF ..." Jokes.
Take a listen and see if any resonate with you!