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Nov 30, 2021

One of my all-time favorite calls to the program! Henry and I discussed Sweet Tea - and his journey as a caregiver. 

Nov 28, 2021

Author and parent of a special needs son, Stephanie Hubach called the program. Stephanie is also a research fellow in disability ministries at Covenant Theological Seminary. Her new book is titled: Parenting & Disabilities - Abiding in God's Presence. 

Hope for the Caregiver is the family...

Nov 25, 2021

For as long as I can remember, when my father arrived home from reserve duty in the military, he brought each of my brothers and my sister a pack of M & M’s. Extending past his service as a naval officer, he and my mother continued the tradition when we returned from college. Each time we showed up with our luggage...

Nov 23, 2021

In 1906, a young woman named Adelaide A. Pollard felt called to the mission field in Africa - but struggled to raise funds. At a service one evening, she heard someone reference Jeremiah 18 and state, "Have Thy Own Way." 

While disappointment over not going abroad as a missionary, weighed heavily on her heart, the hymn...

Nov 20, 2021

It's often repeated, "We demand justice for others but mercy for ourselves." Despite all our technological advances, the human condition remains fraught with one-sided grievances. In my journey, I notice that the shortcomings of others appear in 20/20 focus, while I ashamedly apply a much softer filter to my own....