Jan 11, 2025
Sue brings this message through all her offerings as a speaker, leadership coach, caregiving influencer, educator, and author. These include her online course, The Caregiver’s Journey, and her book Our Journey of Love 5 Steps to Navigate Your Caregiving Journey, which walks family caregivers through their entire caregiving journey. Her program, Leadership C.A.R.E.S., helps businesses address the growing crisis in family caregiving. Intentionally Navigating Transitions is a six-week process for individuals to successfully navigate change in their lives.
For more information, please visit https://thecaregiversjourney.com/ or email sue@sueryan.solutions
And, to view the TEDx talk, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/SueRyanTEDxTalk1 xxx
Sue Ryan, ACC, CCA™
Co-Founder, The Caregiver’s Journey™
Sue Ryan and her husband were already several years into his journey with Alzheimer’s disease when the pandemic hit in 2020. Given her experience taking care of loved ones including her father and grandmother who had dementia, she naively thought she was well-equipped for this new challenge. Then Covid-created lockdowns occurred and her carefully managed system of support collapsed, just as her husband’s Covid diagnosis arrived. Already working as a coach and advocate since 2014, Sue dug deep into her wells of support and pulled through, learning and sharing as she went. It was her sharing that caught the attention of her peer in the technology world, Nancy Treaster. Together they committed to dedicating themselves and their significant acumen to the task of creating a candid and practical lifeline for caregivers. Thus, The Caregiver’s Journey was born.
In their engaging podcasts, Nancy and Sue offer solutions for caregivers facing challenging issues such as taking away car keys, safety and incontinence. By addressing these uncomfortable topics directly, they also foster a sense of community that is often difficult for caregivers to find.
Today, Sue is a change strategist, speaker, author, podcaster and executive coach who empowers caregivers and leaders to maximize their potential. With more than 40 years of experience as a business professional while also navigating a variety of caregiving roles, she guides families to become confident, balanced, and supported on their caregiving journey. She also guides businesses to navigate the global crisis of family caregiving in business so both the organization and their valued working caregivers thrive.
Sue has authored/co-authored five bestsellers, created an award-winning online course for caregivers, is a certified hospice volunteer and caregiver advocate. Sue is a professional speaker including, TEDx, DisruptHR, and Vistage International. Sue lives in Naples, Fla., where she and her husband made their home until his passing in 2023.
For more information and to view the podcasts, please visit https://thecaregiversjourney.com/ or email sue@thecaregiversjourney.com.